Search Engine Marketing

When I searched for Vineyard Vines on Google, there were 3,730, 000 results and the first organic result was the VV website.  The 2nd and 3rd results linked to the VV twitter and Facebook.  The ads (sponsored results) were for the VV website and a link to VV products on Zappos.  When these links are clicked on, the user is simply prompted to buy clothes.


– Doug

VV Website & Newsletter

The Vineyard Vines website is very simple and easy to use.  A drop-down menu separates the departments by Men, Women, Boys, and Girls.  There are additional drop-down menus for Ties (the staple of the Vineyard Vines brand), the Collegiate Collection (an assortment of ties and tote bags donning University colors/mascots and Greek letters), and  The Vine.  The Vine links to the VV blog, Facebook page, media galleries, and a list of upcoming events; such as the Fall Whalegate Tour.  There is also a tower-box on the right of the page that displays the VV Twitter feed in real-time.

I signed up for the VV newsletter some time ago while checking-out from an online purchase.  However, there is a text box on the Home page that allows one to easily subscribe by entering their email address.  The primary objective of the newsletter is to raise awareness of new products.  The secondary objective is to alert customers to the status of their big online sales.  This is pretty much what I expected to receive when I signed up.  However, I expected to receive more promotions and sales alerts.  It seems as though they promote many of their sales through their Facebook and Twitter pages.  I feel like they could consolidate the newsletter emails, which are sent every 3-5 days and usually contain only one subject (i.e. new women’s polos, new men’s sport shirts).  I feel that they could improve their newsletter by sending out two alerts a week: one regarding new inventory, and one that highlights the status of their sales and promotions.  This could make subscribers feel less inundated by junk-mail, and would allow the company to send out the occasional, last-minute notification about things like local events or in-store specials.


My name is Douglas Yeaw and I am a Marketing major at FDU-Madison.  I have chosen Vineyard Vines as my brand.  I have chosen VV because not only do I like their clothes, but also their business practices.  VV donates significantly through their “Tied to a Cause” program.   Shep and Ian, the two brothers that started the Martha’s Vineyard-based clothing venture, also make it a point to post media that gives budding entrepreneurs business advice.

The Vineyard Vines website ( is a colorful website showcasing pictures of their clothes and customers, as well as their current charity.  I would suggest going to their website if you are into bright clothing or if you are interested in learning about the various charities that are helped by Vineyard Vines.